Make a free mobile-friendly website in minutes

Make a free mobile-friendly website in minutes.
Change text, pictures, banners to your liking with the built-in Content Management System (CMS) . Customize the look and feel with a simple to use style editor.

You will have a complete content-manageable responsive website which is directly accessible on the World Wide Web as

Use an intuitive interface to drag and drop elements to your site. Upload multiple images in one go.

  • Free!
  • No coding
  • Drag & Drop
  • Upload images
  • Edit on-the-fly
  • Change look and feel
  • No hosting required

Start in 3 easy steps:

  1. Register for free (Note: we will never send you emails except for a registration email, and we will never disclose your email address to others)
  2. Confirm your registration
  3. Edit your pages with a powerful editor and you're done.

See a video on how to use 1mme on 

See examples below:

You are currently using a non-mobile device. To see this site as on a mobile device, try the links below.


See a YouTube video for a quick start below.


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